Today it was his turn to go first. He was anxious, very anxious. While waiting he was pondering over his deeds comforting himself that it would be alright. "It's time", someone said. It was dark outside and eerily silent too. He thrust himself out gesturing others to wait for his signal. He moved quietly in the direction, he felt is safe. Stopping for a while asking others to follow his footsteps. What's that smell? he wondered over a pleasant smell. Asking others to wait, he moved on to investigate. Wow, he said at the find. He had found something to eat. As it was his turn, he had a nibble while others waited for all clear. Moments passed, as he was alright, he signaled all clear. Other rushed to join him. He was scouting nearby for more so as to carry it back for others who did not join the frenzy. He saw something. He eagerly walked towards it. As he was about to pick it up, some elderly smacked him from behind before he could even touch it. As he was about to show his displeasure, he saw something familiar. He realized that it indeed was a trap. He thanked the elderly and joined others.